
Mosquitos to address park pests

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
November 10th, 2009

Castlegar city council has given the green light for the installion of two new Mosquito devices, similar to the one already in place near the Element Bar and Grill downtown.

The device was installed downtown because it emits an irritating, high-pitched whining sound designed to send unsavoury loiterers on their way – an effect council hopes will be replicated at the skate park adjacent to the Complex.

Councillor Russ Hearne said two of the devices will be installed at the park, but turned on only late at night – making allegations of age discriimination patently absurd, despite the fact that the deterring noise can only be heard by young people in their teens and 20s.

“This isn’t intended to deter skateboarders and other people who use the park as it was designed – and they’re mostly young people, too,” he said, explaining the deterrent will impact only those who are showing up after-hours.

“We want to stop the disruptive and sometimes illegal activities that are taking place well after (the people the park was built for) have gone home,” he said. “This was our best option for addressing the problem. Other options included fencing the whole park, staffing it, or shutting it down, all of which would have been far more expensive or made the park less user-friendly, less appealing.”

He said the Mosquitos will be less obtrusive and more cost-effective than fencing or round-the-clock security, are proven to work, and don’t penalize the young people using the park the way shutting the whole thing down would.

Staff have already begun installing the electrical connections to allow for the device installation, with a cost-sharing plan that will see the recreation commission paying for labour and the city paying for the equipment.

Categories: General
