
Atamanenko pans Canada/US stimulus deal

By Contributor
February 19th, 2010

Canada and the US have given Canadian companies a very brief opportunity to compete for US stimulus package dollars worth $4 to $5 billion. According to BC Southern Interior MP, Alex Atamanenko, this is a lop-sided deal.

“Limited access to US stimulus funding for Canadian companies while guaranteeing US firms access to provincial and municipal infrastructure spending worth $25 billion does not sound like a fair agreement”, said Atamanenko.

“It is unconceivable that, in these difficult economic times, we are not trying to protect Canadian jobs. There should be no question that local firms and contractors should be given preference in any of our local infrastructure spending projects.”

In Atamanenko’s words, this agreement has set a precedent for further erosion of our sovereignty.

“The European Union (EU) would dearly love to get its hands on Canadian building projects. Our prime minister is hoping to offer provincial and municipal contract as an incentive to the EU to sign a free trade agreement with Canada”, said the B.C. MP.

“As our leader, Jack Layton, has stated, given the potential job losses across Canada, there needs to be discussion and a vote in the House of Commons before proceeding with this agreement. The fact that this was signed during the prorogation of Parliament is not acceptable. The sovereignty of our country is at stake,” concluded Atamanenko.

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