
Family of injured Castlegar boy to hold fundraising auction

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
January 17th, 2011

Ed. Note: More than 45 local retailers have come forward with donations up to and including a trip for two to Las Vegas, to be auctioned off Friday to raise money for Cole and his family. Cole’s Dad will be at Friday night’s event, and Cole’s aunt reports that the young man slept for the first time without oxygen assistance last night, and has even called his cousin to chat and catch up. She said that, while the road to recovery may be a long one, Cole is most certainly travelling forward on his.

Cole Hoodicoff, an 11-year-old fun-loving, smart, happy, enthusiastic boy was severley injured in a skiing accident at Red Mountain on January 3, 2011, and now is immobilized from the chest down.

He was air lifted to the Children’s Hospital in Vancouver where he is slowly recovering from his head, back and spinal chord injuries. This little boy’s road has been a tremendous struggle for him with a tremendous amount of pain and suffering, and still he has been the strongest of all, and the road ahead is going to be just as hard. He will be in Vancouver’s Children’s Hospital for many weeks, and will then be moved to Sunnyhill Health Center for Children for rehabilitation, in Burnaby, for an additional 3-6 months.

All Cole’s family and friends are devastated and heartbroken, and the community is saddened, but his parents Brad Hoodicoff and Amy Walters are especially in anguish and are completely devastated by this terrible accident but have remained strong for their son and for each other. Their strength, courage and faith has been an inspiration, and with the support of family and friends, the partners of Brad and Amy, and all of the people praying, all positive words, encouragement and faith, Cole and his family will get through this, and Cole will heal.

There are no words to say how truly grateful the parents are and all of the family are to you all. Human kindness is a truly beautiful thing. The greatest gift of all is that Cole is still with us, he can say I love you and we can say it back, and that is a blessing in itself. Cole is here to have hopes, and dreams and goals and will full fill his hopes, dreams, and goals and will live a productive and full life, and we are all so grateful for that. Everyday tragedy’s happen and we have to appreciate each day, and have to live by being thankful for the blessings we do have and praying and helping those who are less fortunate or those who are going through anguish.

His parents have had to leave Castlegar for 6-9 months leaving homes, jobs and 2 other children in Castlegar while they support Cole through his journey of rehabilitation. We have had so many people praying, prayer groups who have prayed for 3 continuous days and nights, strangers praying, people in Cole’s community, friends, and family, and it is helping, the prayers are working. He’s progressing everyday. Doctor’s said Cole may never eat again, may need a permanent feeding tube, Cole is eating, his bleeding in the brain stopped and he everyday is making progress and with all the prayers, a positive mindset, and support, Cole will recover in time. Miracles happen everyday. God can cure what doctors cannot.

We are trying to raise funds for this family, at this time and are seeking anybody out there to help and support Cole and his parents in any way possible in their time of need, weather it’s a prayer or a donation to assist in the expenses for Cole’s parents to stay by his side during his time in Vancouver and Burnaby, and to make sure this little angel has the wheelchairs he needs, oxygen machines, lift’s for bath, a wheelchair accessible vehicle, home renovations and so so much more.

You can make contributions into account number 3998-379 at the Bank of Montreal, Castlegar branch, you can deposit into this account at any BMO, to support this family in their time of need. We are also having a Family Fund Raising dinner, dance and silent auction at the Castlegar Community Complex on Jan. 21, at 5 p.m. Dinner and Dance Ticket’s will be sold at the door, and at H&R Block and Biznet in Castlegar B.C. There is a trip for 2 to Las Vegas for 3 nights to raffel off, also a huge silent auction with many, many items that have been generously, and I mean generously donated by local businesses. All donations and money raised will help to ease the financial burden this family is having to face now and in the future for their son. Brad Hoodicoff will be present at the dinner and any support you have for him, Amy and Cole would be appreciated. Again the family is so grateful to all of you, the prayers, people planning the events, to all donations no matter how small, to all businesses, everyone. Thank You. Bring the kids and come out and support Cole and his parents at this family function!!

There are also other fund raising events that have happened and are coming up, the teachers, kids and parents at Twin Rivers School had a movie night which was a complete sucess in supporting Cole in his recovery. Lions head Pub had an great turn out at function in Robson on January 15th, and The Element Bar and Night Club has generously allowed a fund raising evening on January 28, in Castlegar. Thank you, everyone.

I cannot find the words to express how grateful we feel inside for the community support and the awesome events that have happened and the upcoming events that are happening for Cole and his parents. We really are truly blessed to live in such a tight nit beautiful community. I have never in my life before, seen the support, or felt such an absolute appreciation and love for the community we live in and all of the people in it, we are all very lucky. The family is overwhelmed, in awe and blessed with the out poor of support, People have been so so so kind. It’s amazing, really.
The phone calls we have had offering help from complete strangers, friends, family, strangers offering assistance in fundraising events , I cannot even begin to name names or express the extent of this support…Thank you everyone

God bless you all and your families.
Sincerely Marla Hoodicoff Gauchier and the Hoodicoff Family

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