
City council to announce recipients of CBT Community Initiatives money

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
April 20th, 2011

Roughly 50 community organizations are hoping to divide a $110,000 kitty as city council decides the disposition of the Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives fund.

Councillor Russ Hearne said a special council meeting at the Community Forum last night saw presentations from community groups ranging from the library to the Red Cross to the Castlegar Garden Club.

“There are some really neat projects beign put forward,” Hearne said, adding council heard everyone out then, as individuals, wrote down how much they would give and to whom.

City staff will now take the individual council member’s input and average it out to arrive at the final amounts each group or project will be given.

“I think it’s a very fair, even-handed way to do it,” he said, adding council hopes to announce the final numbers at its next regular meeting May 2.

He also said council was suprised to see just 50 applications, which is less than half the number that applied last year.

“It’s really odd,” he said. “I wonder if maybe some groups don’t want to keep asking every year; if maybe they think it’s asking too much. If so, that’s a shame, because there are some very deserving projects out there that we’d be happy to support.”

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