
Driver hit with hefty fine after leaving Baker Street accident scene Monday

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
August 30th, 2016

Inconsiderate drivers and bears and kept Nelson Police Department busy Monday said Acting Sergeant Brain Weber in a media release Tuesday.

Smartphone photo solves fender-bender case

Nelson Police issued a hefty fine to a driver who left the scene of an accident Monday afternoon on Baker Street.

Officers were helped tracking down the offender thanks to quick thinking of the other driver who managed to photograph getaway vehicle and license plate.

“One of the instances that took place during a busy mid-afternoon period on Baker Street, the driver of the offending vehicle backed into the other vehicle forcing the vehicle to come to a complete stop,” Weber said, adding this was one of four calls of drivers leaving the scene NPD dispatch received Monday.

“In order to exit the area the driver had to pull forward, adjust their position and then back out of the parking spot.”

“It was clear to the witnesses that the driver was aware that they had struck another vehicle,” Weber added.

“The offending vehicle was last seen rushing from the area.”

Weber said officers conducted a simple investigation and tracked down the offending driver. 

The driver was issued a fine under Motor Vehicle Act for failing to remain at the scene of a collision.  

“Drivers are obligated by law to stop and/or report when they are involved with a collision of any kind,” Weber explained.

“NPD would like to take this opportunity to remind drivers of this responsibility.”

Weber said in the event of an accident, drivers involved in a collision who are unsure of what to do are asked to contact the local police department.

In Nelson, that number is 250-354-3919.

Bear calls continue to light up the phone system at NPD

Bears looking for food continue to frequent the Nelson City limits.

Acting Sergeant Brian Weber said due to the close connection with nature here in the West Kootenay, bears do live within the City of Nelson. 

“In the event you do have an encounter with a bear, please report the incident to the Nelson Police Department and/or to the Conservation Officer Service at their R.A.P.P. line 1-877-952-7277 or #7277 on the TELUS mobility network,’’ he said.

Weber said NPD might attend and assess the encounter between the human and the bear. 

“Our police officers are experienced in making an initial assessment of the incident and will ensure that the Conservation Officer Service is notified,” Weber said.

“In the vast majority of incidents police officers will ensure that the bear is involved in its primal activity of feeding and that the bear has a degree of natural aversion to humans.

“If the bear displays sickness, injury or a total loss of natural aversion of humans, the Nelson Police Department will seek assistance from the Conservation Officer Service. “

Weber said in very rare instances police or Conservation Officers are forced to euthanize the bear. 

“With the help of Nelsonites who are dedicated to managing their refuse, compost and fruit, we can continue to accommodate the presence of bears within the city without being forced to resort to sad conclusions.”

Residents looking for a tips on dealing with bears should click on this link.

Categories: Crime
