
LETTERS: Rebels executive needs more accountability

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
November 22nd, 2016

Dear Editor/Public:

During the last year I have been asking questions of the Castlegar Hockey Society’s executive (Rebel executive). I attended the AGM, became a Member in Good Standing and have continued to ask questions, which is my right and my obligation, to make sure this executive is acting in a responsible manner.

I have asked for clarification on items, I have asked that they keep a complete and accurate recording of all meetings and I have asked for documents pertaining to contracts signed on behalf of the membership.

They have refused, and Monday I received a letter from Mike Johnstone, on behalf of the executive, threatening me.

Although I have not been involved with the club for a few years, I was a very involved volunteer at one time, putting in hundreds of hours, and know how this club should operate. In my opinion, they were, at the end of the 2016 year, in serious financial trouble and have continued to make what I perceive to be questionable purchases, using money which should have been used to decrease the debt rather than add niceties to the dressing room.

I have all emails I have sent them and all documentation to back up my requests.

It would be a shame to lose this team. Many say people are no longer interested in watching Junior Hockey, but if you have attended a Saints game, you would know that is not true. So far this year, the Rebels have a new coach and with that a new sense of confidence. They have won seven games in a row and deserve the support from the community, support this executive doesn’t seem able to tap into. The Castlegar Rebels have been part of the landscape of Castlegar for over 40 years, it would be very sad to see them lost.

At this time I would ask that anyone, with any interest, in seeing this team remain on the ice, please go to the Open House on Nov. 28, 2016 between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. (at the Complex in the Rebels dressing room) and start asking questions. In their announcement they say they are willing to discuss Society business so this would be the the time to ask the questions they don’t want to answer.


Sherry Blackwell


Categories: LettersOp/Ed


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