
Have Your Say - Help Develop Castlegar’s Housing Strategy

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
March 9th, 2021

The City of Castlegar has launched a survey to gather input from the community before it develops a Housing Strategy.

Castlegar’s Housing Strategy will build on the 2018 Housing Needs Assessment and subsequent workshops and be supported by a Housing Advisory Committee.

The Housing Strategy will be a roadmap for how we can ensure the appropriate mix of housing that residents want and need in Castlegar now and into the future.

“Castlegar is experiencing significant growth and our community is changing,” says Chris Barlow, the city’s chief administrative officer. “We’re creating innovative solutions that will

attract development and we want to support a diverse selection of housing to ensure our city meets the unique needs of seniors, students, vulnerable populations, and families.”

The survey is available at castlegar.ca/housingstrategy until April 2 and participants will be entered to win gift cards to local businesses. The city is offering a telephone voicemail

service at 250-434-0290 for people who may have difficulty accessing the survey.

The city is also planning focused workshop discussions about market, supportive and emergency housing. More information about the workshops and how to register will be

posted at castlegar.ca/housingstrategy.

All project information is available at castlegar.ca/housingstrategy and questions can be directed to housingstrategy@castlegar.ca.

The City of Castlegar is a service centre in the West Kootenay. The diversified and growing economy is focused on the forestry, energy and mining sectors in the valley, and

commercial services in the City. Quality of life features backcountry adventure and an increasingly dynamic urban culture, including the Millennium Park & Ponds and Sculpture


Categories: General
