
Canada Music Week Celebrations and Student Achievements

December 2nd, 2024

The music teachers of the Trail/Castlegar Branch BCRMTA  held two very successful events in celebration of Canada Music Week in the Muriel Griffiths Room of the Bailey Theatre in Trail. On Saturday, Nov. 23, a composition workshop with Dean Burry of Queens University was attended by nine student composers, five teachers, and several auditors. He was live-streamed into the room by Zoom. Dean worked individually with students on previously submitted compositions, as well as leading the students through a collaborative composition activity in two groups.  Everyone was highly engaged and left inspired and with buoyant spirits.

The following day, Sunday,  Nov. 24, they hosted a branch recital in which 23 piano and voice students performed a program entirely of Canadian works.  Three students who had attended the workshop on the previous day performed their own compositions.  This recital was followed by an awards and scholarships presentation to those students who received the highest marks on exams within our Branch in the past year.  The event was very well attended (standing room only), and well received.

It was a most exciting and joyful weekend filled with lots of learning and tons of fun.
