

OP/ED: Feminism: we've come a long way ... but we're not even close to there yet

It’s International Women’s Day – a day I usually use to applaud the progress and accomplishments of my gender. How cool that few would dare, any longer, refer to us as the “weaker sex” (at least not in our hearing), and that no one bats an eye when a woman’s title is Dr. rather than […]

Letter to the Editor: Teck talks about selenium in the Elk River Valley

To the Editor, I wanted to follow up on your February 28, 2018 article (Some good news from Teck. And other things to consider) and provide some additional context for your readers on the extensive work Teck has underway to protect water quality in the Elk Valley. Selenium is a naturally-occurring element throughout the environment, […]

MP speaks to BC/Alberta angst

Pipeline politics have been in the news a lot over the past couple of weeks, as British Columbia and Alberta square off over Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain expansion project.  Both provincial governments are doing exactly what they promised to do when elected, so their positions are not surprising. But where is the federal ...

OP/ED: BC Poverty Reduction Coalition says minimum wage hikes inadequate

The BC government’s announcement to increase the minimum wage to $15/hour is good news for low-wage workers in BC but the long timeline will continue to keep workers in poverty for too long. Following the recommendations from the first Fair Wages Commission report, the government will increase the minimum wage incrementally...

From the Hill: Cannings' Bill C-354 passes at second reading

Yesterday MP Richard Cannings’ Bill C-354 an Act to amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, (Use of Wood) passed its first vote at second reading. The bill will now be sent to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources for review. Bill C-354 proposes to require the federal government...

Column: A strange way to pick a leader

  When a political party sets rules for a leadership race and tries to be all things to all members, the result can end up looking more like the proverbial camel designed by a committee than a true and fair method for members to choose a new leader. As they did in 2011, the B.C. Liberal party opted to continue with its practice...

Editorial: On how we vote in BC -- will it change, or not?

Come the next BC election, will we have Proportional Representation (of some kind) or business-as-usual with First-Past-the-Post? A lot of ink and pixels have been swirling around the news and opinion media on the topic. It still bears more examination, given the disparate views expressed. Let’s do some examining, and...

Column: 'From the Hill' -- BC's natural resources

In mid-January I attended the British Columbia Natural Resources Forum in Prince George.  This is one of the biggest gatherings of resource companies, government leaders and nongovernment organizations in Canada, and is always a good place to hear the latest news from that sector. I was happy to see federal Natural Resources...

From the Hill: The importance of pensions

The New Year is a time to look ahead and plan for the future. My wife and I have been talking about pensions lately.  She’s debating whether to start her Canada Pension Plan payments. We were self-employed for much of our careers, so she doesn’t have a company pension to draw on, but we have tried to build up our RRSPs over...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: One of the most important ways to manage tragedy

It makes me very sad to be having to write this again, and that we once more find ourselves coping with a horrific couple of months in our region – motor vehicle fatalities and injuries, fires, unexpected deaths, community icons lost. I think the knee-jerk reaction of most good people is to want to do something, to help in ...
-2°C Clear Sky

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