

OP/ED: Selkirk Students' Union launches manual for student activism

The Selkirk College Students’ Union has launched a manual for students’ union organisers. The Fundamentals of Students’ Unionism provides student activists and organisers a framework to understand students’ unionism and the student movement. “Students are more in debt now than ever in the history of British Columbia and...

OP/ED: When fear finds you ... fight back

Are we learning anything? Are we trying to solve underlying problems? It's what I've been thinking about as the rinse and repeat cycle of terrorism and mass shootings continues. So many good, innocent people lost. Dreams and legacy unrealized. I don't think it's good enough to just report it anymore with sense of shock, or ...

COLUMN: A Bill to improve the Species at Risk Act

Last Friday, I tabled my Private Members Bill, C-363, in the House of Commons.  This bill would patch a large loophole in the Species at Risk Act, or SARA, that has allowed previous governments to wilfully ignore scientific advice as to which species need protection in Canada. SARA is designed to be transparent and timely. ...

B.C.'s Wild West reputation laid to rest — NOT!

The headlines should have read “B.C.'s Wild West reputation laid to rest.” Instead, British Columbians woke up to “Taxpayers would give millions to political parties in NDP plan,” all thanks to an ill-advised decision to slide two unexpected provisions into the government's campaign finance reform package: a transitional...

Site C or No Site C — Public hearing Tuesday in Nelson

British Columbians are facing a crucial test in the coming weeks – reaching an opinion on the planned Site C dam. Currently estimated to cost $8.8 billion, the hydroelectric dam on the Peace River is the single most expensive public infrastructure project ever proposed in B.C. history. Originally put forward along with a...

From the Hill: Time to invest in post-secondary education

A couple of weeks ago, students returned to colleges and universities across Canada after a long summer break.  They have been working hard for months to earn enough to pay for their education, but these days those summer wages don’t go very far.  Housing costs have been skyrocketing across the country in recent years,...

Labour Day Message —We have a lot to celebrate

For the first time in 16 years, B.C. workers have much to celebrate on Labour Day. Both the B.C. NDP and the B.C. Green Party campaigned for a government that would make life more affordable, fix the services people count on, create jobs, act on climate change, and build a sustainable economy that works for everyone. Now,...

River Talk: The Columbia River Treaty and the Free Trade of Water

Eileen Delehanty Pearkes has been researching and writing about the history and politics of water in the upper Columbia Basin since 2005.  Her book on the Columbia River Treaty, A River Captured, was released in 2016. Recently, her travelling exhibit on the Columbia River Treaty, curated for Touchstones Nelson, won a national...

20,000 days of nature conservation

At the end of this summer, Wednesday (August 30 2017), the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) will mark exactly 20,000 days of conservation. This milestone provides an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the work done by NCC and our partners each day, and the conservation we need to accomplish in the 20,000 days to come....

OP/ED: Money can't buy you love, but it can buy you votes

B.C.'s 2017 election will go down in the history books and in more ways than one. The province’s closest election also turned out to be its most expensive. While the final numbers will increase as a few stragglers report and additional candidate spending is tacked on, the B.C. Green party spent $905,000 on its campaign, the...
-3°C Clear Sky

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