

LETTER: US shutdown should push Canada toward proportional representation

Dear Editor. Colonial rule raises its ugly head again. The failure of the US government to continue to operate is yet another example of how screwed up our colonial style governments really are: While we have democratic elections, we do not have democratic governments. Our politicians do not want democracy and arrogantly...

LETTER: Colonial-style governments to blame for government failure

Colonial rule raises its ugly head again. The failure of the US government to continue to operate is yet another example of how screwed up our colonial style governments really are: While we have democratic elections, we do not have democratic governments. Our politicians do not want democracy and arrogantly insist on forming...

COMMENT: MP pans Tory environmental policy

In 2009, the Conservative government’s omnibus budget bill gutted the Environmental Assessment Act to reduce the number and types of development projects whose approvals would be subject to an environmental assessment.  Conservative budget bills C-38 and C-45 were a continuation of the dismantling of Canada’s long established...

COMMENT: We do not need a lex Breivik

By Ole Petter Ottersen. Anders Breivik's application to the University of Oslo for admission to the political science study programme created interest worldwide. Breivik did not qualify for the full programme, but will be able study specific topics. Here the university's rector explains the decision to grant him access to the...

Notes from the Shadows: Remembering war, injustice, and other unreasonable aspects of human history

War and Remembrance, Feeling and Reasoning A month ago I wrote about Canada’s war in Afghanistan and concluded with a note that on November 11, I will be at the Nelson cenotaph protesting war. My theme on the radio program I’ve hosted for the last four seasons has been the history of war. During research for the show, I came...

LETTER: Councillor defends Pride attendance

Editor's Note: This letter is in response to a missive sent to the Castlegar News by a local resident, in which the resident condemns three city councillors for their attendance representing Castlegar at Nelson's Gay Pride event last summer: Dear Mr. Kemperman, In response to your letter, let me assure you that I represent ...

COMMENT: Foreign affairs progress report 2

As I mentioned in Part I of the Foreign Affairs Progress Report, the federal NDP is committed to earning back Canada’s respect on the world stage.  We have seen how the Conservatives, since their election in 2006 have gradually been withdrawing from our international responsibilities.  For example, the Harper government has...

Time to Get Aggressive About Passive Houses

Does your new house plan include solar exposure as a significant design component? If not, you – or your architect, engineer, and contractor – should be preparing to attend the Passive House Design and Construction workshop scheduled for Cranbrook from October 7-11. Nelson designer and builder Lukas Armstrong will showcase ...

COMMENT: Responding to Syria. What does the evidence suggest?

No one wants war.  Likely, most people are relieved that imminent threats of US military interventions against Syria have been postponed.  However, what remains is the question of what to do about the humanitarian crisis which has left over 100,000 people dead and more than one million people seeking refuge in neighboring countries.  How should […]

LETTER: Residents band together to protect Pass Creek watersheds

Dear Editor: We are concerned citizens of Pass Creek, Robson and Raspberry who have united in a campaign to protect Pass Creek watersheds from the negative effects of road building and logging, and to preserve our scenic and wildlife corridor. The Rialto Creek/Ladybird mountain area provides domestic drinking and agricultural...
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