


There should be a law about gas stations uping their prices whenever they want. I am talking about a local station that must think that is ok to up ther price .05 cents whenever they want. The latest increase doesn't seem to have worked because none of the other stations have followed. I say boycott this station and teach...

6 Year Old Loses the Chance to Receive Medical Marijuana in Michigan

Talking about her son, Jenny Allen, a 32 year old resident of Lansing said, “Having been diagnosed with autism, several kinds of therapies and medications have been tried on him but problems like self destructive behavior and biting continue to mount.” “We have tried giving mind bending medications, signed up for behavior...

Garden of Wisdom: The "Cabbage of Choice"

The “Cabbage of Choice” I’m not sure if it’s just our growing area, but Ladner has what I would describe as an abundantly healthy population of Small White butterflies. So many so, that most years I don’t even bother growing Brassicas. The butterfly (Pieris rapae), lays a single tiny yellow egg on the underside of a Brassica...

Where Did Blueberry Strain Come From?

In the decade of 1970-80s, when the world was almost obsessed with cannabis and its intoxicating properties, many die-hard cannabis fans as well as researchers dedicated themselves to the task of cross breeding cannabis in order to find its uplifted version.  Blueberry strain, a hybrid form of cannabis which was generated in...

Public Forum to discuss reconfiguration/closure of Castlegar area schools

This is a reminder notice for all residents of Castlegar and surrounding area to take part in the public forum that the School Board trustees have set up to discuss the possible reonfiguration/closure of Castlegar area schools. The decision made can affect ALL Castlegar schools which is why it is imperative that all residents...

No excuse for further Liberal HST stalling

The BC Liberals and their friends in the corporate and media communities, have tried to sell the public on their supposed “business” abilities…unlike those “socialists” on the other side. And yet, after the voters ordered them to get rid of the HST, they are incapable of  returning for a full NINETEEN MONTHS to a provincial...

Expect more from your government

Something is happening in Canada that seems, in the context of a majority Harper government, counter-intuitive. Harper continues implementing his right-wing revolution by fiat, and Preston Manning’s “democracy” institute says Canadians actually want “less” government and more individual responsibility. Yet a flurry of polls...

Hundreds rally against Endbridge Oil

On a soggy Monday afternoon, hundreds of people rallied against the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline from the tar sands in Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia. The protest was lead by the Heiltsuk people, whom proudly describe themselves as the care takers of their territorial lands and waters, in the Great Bear...

Is Harper undermining Obama on Iran?

It might be useful for Prime Minister Stephen Harper to read a U.S. state department cable from Israel released by Wikileaks. It reveals that talk of Iran's imminent production of nuclear weapons goes back to the early 1990s: "The head of the MFA's [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] strategic affairs division recalled that GOI...

A couple married thirty years were revisiting the

A couple married thirty years were revisiting the same places they went to on their honeymoon. Driving through the secluded countryside, they passed a ranch with a tall deer fence running along the road. The woman said, "Sweetheart, let's do the same thing we did here thirty years ago." The guy stopped the car. His wife backed...