
Fundraising dinner/dance slated to raise money for medical treatment for Castlegar 12-year-old

By Contributor
March 30th, 2012

On April 28, a dinner and dance will be held at the Castlegar Community Complex to raise money for Cole Hoodicoff, a local 12-year-old boy, to attain specialized, out-of-province rehabilitation therapy. 

Cole was paralyzed from the chest down in a skiing accident on January 3, 2011. As a result, he is permanently reliant upon a wheelchair for mobility. At the time of his injury, our community pulled together and helped support Cole’s family in an amazing outpour of donations, fundraisers and prayers that pulled them through one of the worst ordeals anyone could ever endure. 

It has been just over a year now since his accident, and Cole has taken some big steps in facing his daily challenges and has even gone back to the very same ski hill where he was injured, and has taken several sit-skiing lessons. Cole is becoming stronger, but now needs more intensive therapy to improve his independence, physical health, and overall quality of life. The fundraiser on April 28 will be the biggest potential step towards attaining that therapy from an amazing facility in Regina, Sask.

About the Therapy:

Although the medical community paints a hopeless picture for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) survivors, there are places that infuse hope and recognize, “potential, not limits.”  First Steps Wellness Centre (FSWC) in Regina is the only Project Walk certified facility in Canada where the Dardzinski method of rehabilitation is used. This method entails an intensive physiotherapy that encompasses the whole body, even if the SCI client cannot feel, move or sense the part of the body that is being exercised. Through repeated movements, weight-bearing exercises, and electronic stimulation, the body has shown that it can regenerate nerve pathways, and that muscles actually have a ‘memory’. Some clients have improved mobility and/or sensation; in fact—some are even learning to walk again. Above all else, clients of Project Walk certified facilities all over the world have improved their quality of life through this therapy.  (For more information about FSWC, please visit www.fswcregina.ca, and its parent organization, Project Walk at www.projectwalk.org.)

About the Event:

The April 28 dinner and dance will be the biggest potential source of funding for Cole to go to Regina this summer. There is no government funding available. The event will host two rock bands from Kelowna: Thunder ‘n Lightening and Purploid – These bands are well known on the Kelowna circuit and play original rock music that will get you dancing all night long. The event will be catered by Kim’s Creations and the menu includes lasagna, roasted chicken, salads, and dessert. Safe Rides Home will be provided by the Sunshine Rotary Club for a donation. This is a ‘no minors’, licensed event. There will be an in-house raffle with some beautiful items donated from our community’s local businesses as well as several door prizes.

Tickets are only $30 and are available at:

* The Castlegar Complex ;

* Downtown Shell (Benson Oil);

* Bubblee’s Liquor Store plus;

* Johnny’s Grocery and Gas;

* Selkirk College Bookshop;

Want to help? We still need some volunteers for bartending (must have Serving it Right), decorating, and a few other odd jobs. If you would like to help, contact Amy via email at: 

amy.walters.11@gmail .com or by phone at: 250-365-1000 in the evenings.
