
Man high on cocaine calls 9-1-1 to say gang with guns after him

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 10th, 2013

A man was sent to police lockup after calling 9-1-1 to say someone was chasing him with a gun near the Lakeside Soccer Fields in the early hours of Friday morning.

The call was one of 60 NPD officers responded to during the past week.

When police arrived at the soccer fields, they found an agitated 29-year-old male who was heavily under the influence of cocaine.

The man told officers of a recent injection and was certain he was being followed by a gang toting firearms.

While police conversed with the man, trying to calm him, he reached into his jacket pocket, which contained an extended utility knife. The constable recovered the knife before the male could access it.

However, during the exchange the constable did suffer a small cut to his finger. 

Members searched the soccer fields after the male was in custody and located a blood-filled syringe and other drug paraphernalia used by the male just prior to calling 9-1-1. 

The male was transported to NPD cells due to his drug-induced state.

It was later confirmed that there was no gang or firearm issues – rather, this incident was a result of drug-induced confusion.

Fender bender results in 90-day roadside prohibition

Thursday (May 9) at 5:30 p.m. a driver was involved in a minor traffic accident behind the Hume Hotel.

The driver was then seen entering the Hume Hotel Liquor Store by citizens before returning to the vehicle and leaving the scene.

An officer in the area stopped the vehicle in question, and during conversation with the driver, noticed the 30-year-old male exhibited signs of alcohol impairment.

Roadside testing resulted in the driver being issued a 90-day roadside prohibition along with a ticket for the accident and other observed violations.

Traffic stop finds man with outstanding warrants

Earlier Thursday (May 9), a routine traffic stop found the driver to have outstanding BC-wide criminal warrants.

During the arrest, the man was found to be in possession of brass knuckles, which are a prohibited weapon and resulted in additional charges.

The male is currently in police custody awaiting a court hearing.

Man sent to KLH after downtown disturbance

Wednesday morning (May 8), NPD dispatchers received numerous calls regarding a male running through the downtown core screaming and throwing scaffolding.

The man ran from police for several blocks before being eventually located in the 400 block of Lakeside Drive.

He was arrested without incident and transported Kootenay Lake Hospital where he was found to be suffering from mental health issues.

Nelson Hydro facility damaged in copper theft

Nelson Hydro reported to police that during last weekend (May 3-6) thieves broke into the power plant at 5010 Blewett Road, stealing copper wiring and other items.

The thieves cut the locks to gain access to the City of Nelson building.

The file remains under investigation.

Man goes off on police after getting caught shoplifting

A 50-year-old man is facing shoplifting charges after being caught at a local grocery store.

During the arrest, the intoxicated man became verbally abusive toward grocery store staff and police.

The man is being charged with being intoxicated in a public place and theft.

Man faces breech of conditions charges

A 55-year-old man is facing breach of condition charge after a BC Sheriff noticed the man in a vehicle across from the provincial Courthouse Tuesday (May 7).

The man was arrested for violating court-imposed conditions.

Charges are pending.









Categories: Crime
