
Family gets surprise while cleaning old trailer

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
July 24th, 2013

A family received a shock to the system after uncovering a handful of dynamite sticks and blasting caps while cleaning an old trailer.

Nelson Police was called Sunday when the family noticed the dynamite and caps in the trailer.

Nelson Fire Department also attended the scene.

Once NPD officers and firefighters assessed the scene was safe, it was determined the dynamite was old.

The bomb disposal team was then called to safely remove items.

NPD would like to notify the public to please not handle an suspected explosives and contact dispatchers right away.

Summer road checks net handful of drinking drivers

Two NPD roadblocks Thursday (July 18) and Sunday (July 21), which had police check 976 drivers for liquor and/or drug consumption, saw officers administer four roadside screening tests.

One person was issued a 90-day prohibition from driving and his vehicle impounded for 30 days. 

Several Provincial violation tickets or warnings were issued for various observed offences.

“The high-visibility Checkstop initiatives are intended to both deter impaired driving from occurring and to detect and remove problem drivers from the road,” said NPD Sargent Paul Bayes in a statement.

“The aim of the program is to increase motorist’s road safety awareness by minimizing their likelihood to drive while impaired.”

NPD kept busy with alcohol-related calls

The Nelson Police Department answered 60 calls to service during the week starting July 21. 

Of note was the abundance of reports, or members observing people consuming liquor in public.  Many of these were occurring in local parks. 

 It is an offence under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consume liquor in public. It is also an offence to carry open liquor in public.  Either offence can result in a fine of $230. 

Although there has been some articles in the media about the Provincial Government considering allowing people to bring alcoholic beverages to beaches and parks it is still an offence at this time.

Categories: Crime
