
LETTER: MLA should remember she represents constituency not Liberal party in Victoria

By Contributor
September 11th, 2014

An open letter to Boundary-Similkameen MLA Linda Larsen

Ms. Larson,

I am disappointed that I have not received any reply from you to the email I sent last week regarding the dispute between the BC Government and the BCTF. While it is true that I expressed a viewpoint which conflicts with that of the BC Liberal Party, I had assumed that as one of your constituents I would have expected at least some acknowledgement of my concerns.

At any rate, I am writing again to demand in the strongest possible terms and as a parent, citizen, and taxpayer residing in your constituency that you call on your party leadership to agree to enter into binding arbitration with the BC Teachers Federation. Setting all rhetoric aside, a growing consensus of British Columbians believes that arbitration is the most effective and fairest way to bring this dispute to a conclusion and get our kids back into school. The BCTF has been given an almost unanimous mandate from its membership, the teaching professionals of BC.

I fully expect a response from you or one of your staffers to this email. Please remember that you are our representative in Victoria, not the BC Liberal spokesperson in the Boundary Similkameen.


Ian Mitchell
Grand Forks, BC

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