
UPDATED: Wildfire outside Castlegar 100% contained

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 4th, 2015

Sunday evening brought with it some good news for Castlegar residents.

Jordan Turner, information officer with the Southeast Fire Centre reported that a wildfire just one kilometre away from the city was 100 per cent contained and in the mop up stage.

Previous coverage:

Initial attack crews from the Southeast Fire Centre are fighting a wildfire near Blueberry Creek, about one kilometer west of Castlegar, according to Fire Information Officer Jordan Turner, who adds the fire is roughly half a hectare in size.

“No structures are immediately threatened … but we’re hitting it hard and fast because of its proximity to Castlegar,” he said, adding they’ve received many phones calls from the public reporting it. “This fire is highly visible from the city of Castlegar and Highway 3.”

The initial attack crew is supported by air tankers and three helicopters.

Turner said the fire was likely caused by lightning, but they’ll have to investigate to confirm that.

Categories: General
