
Vehicle torched on Woodland Drive; fire ban still in effect

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 27th, 2015

Fire crews were called out at roughly 5:50 a.m. on Monday to deal with reports of black smoke emanating from the gravel pit on Woodland Drive, according to fire chief Gerry Rempel.

“We arrived to find a vehicle on fire,” he said, adding it was fully engulfed in flames. “We put it out in short order, but the vehicle was destroyed.”

He said the vehicle is a Jeep product – similar to a Jeep Liberty – and the fire in it seems to have been intentionally set.

“No one was around when we arrived, but the fire is suspicious in nature – the RCMP will be handling things,” he said.

In related news, he said the city-wide fire ban remains in effect despite recent cool, rainy weather.

“We did get some rain, but not really enough to make the difference, especially in wooded areas,” he said. “On top of that, this week is supposed to get hot and dry again, so we’re not lifting the ban.

Should you choose to burn anyway, you might get a visit from our friendly fire department and could face a municipal ticket, as well as a bill for the services of the fire department to extinguish the fire (that’s $450/hr, per truck).

Categories: CrimeGeneral
