
RANT: Tax payer or porn user, we need to stop these people

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
January 28th, 2016

There is a group of people calling local homes, claiming to be with the Canada Revenue Agency, and another attacking porn watchers (that comes up later).

They are not who they claim to be.

They are evil, vile, despicable cheating liars, whom I can’t imagine enjoy even the love of their own mothers.

They are going into the sanctity of people’s homes, and threatening them to the point that one even threatened to kill the person’s family. Here. In Castlegar.

They don’t even know where Castlegar is. They likely don’t know where Canada is.

They prey on law-abiding citizens, claiming the police are coming to get the victim and jail them for a mistake in their taxes, creating fear that makes people want to act. By all means, act … but not the way they tell you to.

DO NOT BE AFRAID of these puling worms. In fact, it’s fun to scare them back, and say you’re an Interpol Foreign Affairs Inspector who has been looking to touch base with them for a very, very long time, and you’re glad they finally called. But that’s just how I like to do things.

Simply hanging up works equally well.

At any rate, this is not information that’s good enough for you to know – you need to share it with everyone you care about. Parent, grandparents, kids, etc.

Because these guys can hack your call display and make any number they want to show – including your local police detachment.

I got conned like that – a savvy and experienced reporter – I saw the police line, and when the guy told me he was a cop, I humiliated myself by believing him and calling the police chief at home in the middle of the night (she’s kind, and chose not to shoot me for it).

There is no shame in falling for this, but you don’t have to.

My point is this: the police, Revenue Canada, ANY government agency will NOT call you with threats. They just won’t. If you’ve committed such an egregious offence that you’re concerned they will, don’t take their call. Go online, find their number and call them.

Be smart and get the facts from the source. Or The Source, as the case may be. If you’re scared to call the cops, call me, and I’ll direct you.

To porn watchers, and I’m sorry if this is embarrassing, but there it is: they have found a way to create an alert on your computer and demand money in exchange for you not being arrested. This is nonsense. Porn is not illegal.

Distasteful, perhaps, but definitely not illegal. They are counting on you being too embarrassed to call the cops instead of paying them. You don’t have to do either, just feel free to ignore them.

DO NOT click on any links. DO NOT call anyone back, and absolutely, for the love of all that is holy DO NOT send these people personal information of any kind or money of any stripe.

And don’t be angry at police – most of these calls, despite the call displays they’ve hacked, are coming from out of country, via hundreds of routers, and there’s nothing the police can do, except tell me what’s happening and trust me to tell you.

I say enough is enough.

They’ve targeted us … let’s target them, and make them hate our area code – let’s tell them without reservation that we decline to let them prey upon us.


Categories: CrimeGeneral
