
The positive side of politics: Castlegar creates Goood Samaritan Award

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
March 9th, 2016

Some people may be understandingly frustrated by negativity in politics, especially lately with the American election cycle dominating the airways and social media.

But politics can offer us feel-good stories, too – like Castlegar’s newly-implemented Good Samaritan Award.

Councillor Deb McIntosh, chair of city council’s Transportation and Civic Works Committee, said the Good Samaritan Award was inspired by the success of the Snowbusters Award, provided by residents who help out their neighbours by clearing snow from walks or driveways of people who might struggle to do so themselves.

Names of do-gooders are submitted to City Hall and entered into a draw to win $250.

“On any given day, it (the Good Samaritan Award) gives people the opportunity to recognize the good deeds of their fellow residents, for those people to potentially receive $250 – a small token of the city’s appreciation.”

Councillor Dan Rye concurred, adding the Snowbusters Award was a great idea, but needed to be taken a little further.

“People who do these type of things do them year-round, not just when there is snow on the ground,” he said, adding this kind of positive reinforcement goes a long way toward helping people see the good in their community, their neighbours and their politics. “It’s part of the solution instead of part of the problem. We’re always so quick to criticize – sometimes it pays to thank someone.”

Anyone wanting to submit a name for the first-ever Good Samaritan Award can do so by calling City Hall at 250-365-7227 or visiting their website at www.castlegar.ca

Nominations close Nov. 30.

Categories: GeneralPolitics
