
Trail/Beaver Valley agree to two-month extension of recreation agreement

City of Trail
By City of Trail
August 24th, 2016

The City of Trail’s Recreation Agreement Negotiating Committee and the Beaver Valley Parks Recreation Committee (BV Rec) recently met to discuss the renewal of the one-year Recreation Funding Agreement that expires at the end of August 2016.

Due to immediate time constraints associated with the new agreement expiring, both parties agreed to a two-month extension of the current agreement to provide the necessary time and attention to work through the negotiations. BV Rec will make a payment, prorated on the current agreement, to compensate for the additional time in the amount of $20,835; and, all Trail Resident Program (TRP) cards held by Beaver Valley residents will remain active for the duration of the extension, providing all cardholders the lower-tier fees for Trail Parks and Recreation facilities, programs and services.

“Regional collaboration and rapport building are top priorities for the City,” says Trail Mayor Mike Martin. “We will continue to work on building a strong and positive working relationship with BV Rec and we remain committed to maintaining an open and effective dialogue in the hopes of reaching a new agreement that is fair to both organizations and the constituents who are impacted.”

The City of Trail and BV Rec both feel the extension will provide sufficient time to work through the details before reaching a long-term agreement. “The Beaver Valley Recreation Committee and the City are in discussions regarding the future of the Rec Services agreement,” says Ali Grieve, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area ‘A’ Director. “We feel a little more time is required for a full discussion; however, we are pleased to agree to the two-month extension proposed by the City.”

“We appreciate the commitment and show of good faith made by BV Rec following our first meeting,” continues Martin, “and we appreciate that extra time is required to work through the process. As Trail’s recreation facilities, programs and services are designed to accommodate the entire region, we look forward to continuing a positive relationship with BV Rec for years to come that will benefit Trail and BV residents alike. We hope this extension will allow for a positive outcome before the extension expires. In the meantime, we encourage all Beaver Valley TRP cardholders to continue to participate in our Parks and Recreation services.”
