
BC SPCA applauds government move to end grizzly bear trophy hunt

By Contributor
August 15th, 2017

The BC SPCA is applauding the provincial government’s move to end British Columbia’s grizzly bear trophy hunt. Announced Monday by Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Doug Donaldson and in a B.C. government release, the ban will take effect on Nov. 30 throughout British Columbia, after this year’s season.

“The decision to end grizzly bear trophy hunting is a big step in the right direction,” says BC SPCA chief scientific officer Dr. Sara Dubois. “It demonstrates the change in people’s opinions about trophy hunting.”

The BC SPCA is opposed to the hunting of any animal for trophy or sport. Any hunting of large predators, like bears, has huge impacts on the entire ecosystem. There is great uncertainty in population numbers and more research is needed, Dubois notes.

 “During the fall months, government will consult with First Nations and stakeholder groups to determine next steps and mechanisms as B.C. moves toward ending the trophy hunt,” the government release states. “Additionally, government will be moving forward with a broader consultation process on a renewed wildlife management strategy for the province.”

It is encouraging the provincial government is engaging in a consultation process, Dubois says.

“We’re hopeful it will be an open and collaborative process that keeps conservation and the humane treatment of animals at the forefront of any strategy or initiatives that are developed,” she says. “We look forward to being part of the process and ensuring conservation practices represent the values of British Columbians.”

Categories: Politics
