
RDCK taking further actions in response to COVID-19

Regional District of Central Kootenay
By Regional District of Central Kootenay
March 20th, 2020

At its meeting on March 19, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) passed a number of resolutions to reduce overall RDCK taxation by more than $1.25 million. These changes are intended to assist residents and business owners who will be in the throes of recovery from the COVID-19 crisis when tax bills arrive.

The RDCK is also taking further actions in an effort to protect the health and safety of employees and the public during the outbreak. These actions include the postponement of Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Program and Affected Areas Program (CBT CIP/AAP) public engagement meetings, and the closure of administrative offices to the public, effective the end of business on Friday, March 20.


The budget resolutions include the deferral of capital projects representing a savings of $530,300; deferral of short-term loan payments of $121,200; a reduction of Director travel budgets for conferences and other travel in the amount of $121,000; the postponement of two planned new positions; and the deferral, reduction or postponement of a number of other projects and expenditures.


Effective immediately, all Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Program and Affected Areas Program (CBT CIP/AAP) public engagement meetings are cancelled. However, the grant process will move forward. Public engagement is an integral part of the CBT CIP/AAP process, and RDCK staff are working closely with the Columbia Basin Trust to explore an online engagement tool. More information will be available soon, and applicants will be notified by email. For the most up-to-date information, visit the website: http://rdck.ca/cip-aap.


All RDCK offices will be closed to the public as of end of day on Friday, March 20, until further notice. Many of our staff will work from home, however some will remain in the office to address public needs by phone. RDCK services will continue to operate to serve residents and businesses, including building inspection services and permit issuance. The application of health and safety protocols to effectively respond to COVID-19 may result in changes to our operations. Please visit the RDCK website at www.rdck.ca for up to date information regarding office hours and changes to our operations.

“The health and well-being of RDCK residents and the safety of our staff as they ensure continuity of essential services are our top priorities. We are also committed to doing what we can to reduce the taxation impact to our residents and businesses while keeping critical operations running during this difficult time,” said Aimee Watson, Chair of the RDCK Board of Directors. “The RDCK Board recognizes the importance of keeping CBT CIP/AAP grant funding flowing to organizations doing vital work in all of our communities, especially considering the economic uncertainty created by the COVID-19 situation. The RDCK will endeavor to award the grants with as little delay as possible while continuing to meet community expectations for input into the grant award process.”


Categories: General
