
Selkirk College shuts down all but essential services

By Contributor
March 24th, 2020

Dear Selkirk College Students & Employees.

With the increasing urgency for all Canadians to practice physical distancing and with much of our courses now moved to alternative delivery, access for employees and students to Selkirk College campuses and learning centres will be substantially reduced by Tuesday, March 24 at 2 pm. This will allow students and employees time tomorrow to retrieve any work related items.

Information for Students

To remove personal and study-related items from lockers, students can access the campuses until 2 pm, Tuesday, March 24. When accessing the campus, you MUST practice physical distancing and hand sanitizing. Directions for accessing each building will be through the main entrances on Tuesday morning. Please follow all signs and directions.

After 2 pm on March 24, all service areas on campuses and at learning centres will be closed to students and the public except those listed below.

In terms of essential services, the following areas only at Selkirk College will remain in operation under newly adapted practices:.

1. The on-campus housing facilities at Castlegar Campus and Nelson’s Tenth Street Campus will remain in operation and will be reconfigured as deep cleaning of vacated rooms and spreading out the remaining residents is undertaken this week.

2. Remaining work is being done to ensure as much as is possible to equip those students without personal computers with the capacity to continue their studies in alternative format. This may begin with very limited access to one selected computer lab at the Castlegar Campus and one lab at the Patenaude Building at Tenth Street Campus in Nelson. However, this last form of limited student access will conclude by no later than Thursday, March 26, at 12:00 pm.

3. Services such as Cafeteria, Bookstore, Libraries will close to students and the public by March 24 at 2 pm.

4. As alternative delivery for courses and programs gets underway this week, school chairs, your faculty and instructors will provide you with additional information for assignments, assessment and final examinations.

5. Student Services, Counselling, and other supports for your learning are now also available in alternative formats. These services can be accessed from our main website at www.selkirk.ca

Information for Staff

We are working at capacity to equip as many employees at all our sites with the option to work remotely particularly with a view to maintaining basic business continuity and asset protection. It is important that those employees who are able to work from home, do so after 2 pm on March 24, if they haven’t made those arrangements already.

Employees working in areas not described below, and not assigned alternative duties by their supervisor, and not able to work remotely through technology should also remain home, and observe physical distance protocols described below. In all cases, close contact with your supervisor through email or phone for further information is imperative. The general email address HR@selkirk.ca is also an important communication line to please use.

Along with the essential services listed above in the student section, only these additional areas at Selkirk College will remain in operation under newly adapted practices after 2 pm March 24.

1. There will be restricted access for minimal staffing in Finance, Human Resources, Maintenance for essential items, Custodial, specific IT functions, and specific administrative functions will be maintained at the Castlegar Campus.

2. Services such as Cafeterias, Bookstore, Libraries will close to students and the public by the tomorrow at 2 pm. Food services staff will need to take some additional time to deep clean the kitchens and eating areas.

3. For all other employees making the shift to working remotely, please take all materials required to work from home with you tomorrow. For those still requiring technology for you to work remotely who have not received it such as at our smaller learning centres, we are working on solutions and will be in touch directly.

4. As alternative delivery for courses and programs gets underway this week, school chairs, faculty and instructors will be provided with additional guidance and educational principles, along with considerations for alternatives for student assessment and final examinations.

5. For employees with young families who will be shifting to the added work of home schooling and daytime care for children, we will continue to work on solutions to accommodations in this regard and encourage you to discuss options with your supervisor and Human Resources.

As a final reminder, when accessing the campuses or learning centres on Tuesday to collect work items, you MUST practice physical distancing and use hand sanitizing or washing stations. All of us must continue to increase our efforts to help mitigate the spread of this virus.


Thank you all very much for your dedication and commitment to Selkirk College and our community. We will continue to monitor the situation daily as information becomes available and directions change. Please reference email, web and social media for updated information. And I will be in further touch.

With my thanks,

Angus Graeme
President, Selkirk College

Categories: General
