
City and Selkirk College Completing FireSmart Vegetation Management

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
April 16th, 2021

The City of Castlegar, in partnership with the Selkirk College Forestry Program, is conducting FireSmart vegetation management activities on City-owned forested land at 14 Avenue and 26 Street. This area is near the Waterline Road and adjacent to the Kinnaird Park Community Church and is an ongoing project started in 2019.

Beginning the week of April 19, 2021, Glacier Tree Maintenance will be removing standing dead and hazard trees and Selkirk College’s Forestry Technology Program students will be conducting fuel management plots, risk assessments, removing dead brush, and trimming trees.

During the work, members of the public are urged to observe the activity at a distance; however, in the interest of safety, the public is asked not to enter the project area which will be clearly marked with signs.

FireSmart is a national initiative to help property owners and communities understand ways in which wildfire might threaten structures and property located in, and close to, forested and wildland areas. FireSmart is easy to do and property owners, individuals and communities are shown what steps they can take to mitigate the threat of damage to buildings and property by wildfires. For more information on this initiative, please visit: firesmartbc.ca.

The Castlegar Fire Department appreciates the public’s support and would like to thank you for your co-operation in advance.

Categories: General
