
Cop and fire chief rescue dog from ledge overlooking Mimi Falls

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
May 7th, 2021

A local front line Logan Lake RCMP officer partnered with the Fire Chief, of the Logan Lake Volunteer Fire Department, to carry out a rare and risky canine rescue from above Mimi Falls.

On April 28, at 11:10 a.m., a bystander hiked into cellular range in order to contact the Logan Lake RCMP for help, after the furry four-legged friend of an elderly couple had become isolated on a ledge part way down a cliff, which overlooks Mimi Falls.

The pup’s owners, and bystanders were unable to safely reach Chevy, the nearly 80-pound, seven-year-old, American Bulldog Terrier cross. Chevy, who was a rescue herself, had become stuck in a precarious position overlooking the 30-meter deep rocky canyon, according to Cpl. Jesse O’Donaghey, spokesman for the BC RCMP in the Southeast District.

Logan Lake RCMP officer Cst. Kyle Vanditmars hiked to the Mimi Falls lookout to speak with Chevy’s owners and assess the situation. He found that Chevy had managed to scramble down a steep dirt embankment and was situated about three meters below the top of the cliff.

Vandimars was joined on site by Fire Chief Doug Wilson.

“The two first responders quickly worked together, and using climbing and rappelling gear, the pair safely retrieved Chevy from the ledge and returned her to her family,” said O’Donaghey.


Categories: General
