
City of Castlegar requesting water conservation

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
June 7th, 2021

The City of Castlegar is asking residents to limit water consumption to essential use only on Tuesday, June 8.

As part of phase 2 of the Columbia Avenue Phase Redevelopment Project, a vital piece of water reservoir pipe needs to be replaced. Residents on 6th Avenue, Woodland Park and Woodland Drive, and between 17th and 24th Street on Columbia Avenue will experience lower than usual water pressure. They are being asked to conserve water to ensure the minimum water pressure is maintained.

“Limiting water consumption in these areas on June 8 is very important,” says Travis Christianson, the City’s Manager of Engineering & Infrastructure. “It helps ensure the City will have adequate water available for firefighting purposes, especially during these dry times.”

When the water main is reconnected, residents may notice slight discoloration and some aeration which is normal. To resolve this, run water from a tap until everything appears normal.

The City thanks everyone for considering water use and appreciates the community’s support.

Find more project information at castlegar.ca/phase2.

Categories: General
