
KAST bids farewell to executive director Sean Smillie

June 15th, 2021

 The Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) congratulates Executive Director, Sean Smillie, on his return to the video game industry for an exciting new role as an executive producer for a Quebec and Los Angeles-based game studio. The Board will miss Smillie’s driven nature and positive leadership and appreciates his continued support while Smillie and the KAST Board of Directors complete a practical and seamless transition plan. The transition plan will be announced in the coming weeks.

Smillie affected change for both the tech and non-tech businesses in the Kootenay region during his time at KAST. KAST has worked diligently over the last year to support hundreds of non-tech businesses through B.C. Tech Association’s Virtual Connection Days and Innovate B.C.’s Digital Economy: Rapid Response and Resiliency (DER3) program, and supported Kootenay tech companies affected by COVID-19 through Innovate B.C.’s Tech Resiliency Program.

The Kootenay Pitch Competition took the region, and province, by storm and helped nine startups get investor-ready and grow their businesses through free mentorship, exposure and connections. KAST and Selkirk College released the 2020 Kootenay Tech Assessment report in May 2021, which provides vital information on the economic impact and outlook of technology in the region, which will help guide future economic and community development strategies that strengthen and expand the regional sector.

The KAST Board of Directors thanks Smillie for his service to the Kootenay tech community. KAST will remain committed to empowering, supporting and connecting people and businesses, both in the technology sector and beyond.

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Categories: Business
