
Columbia Park Housing Creates New Homes for Local Residents

By Contributor
August 11th, 2021

The Lower Columbia Affordable Housing Society (LCAHS) proudly provided a tour in early July  for representatives of organizations who contributed funding and support to the development of Columbia Park Housing in East Trail.  The nine units of affordable rental housing in the 3 storey building are providing great new homes for individuals and families residing in the Lower Columbia Region.

Jan Morton, President of the LCAHS began the tour by expressing appreciation for the support of Columbia Basin Trust, Teck Trail, Kootenay Savings Credit Union and the City of Trail.  While the majority of the funding for the project has come from the BC Housing Community Housing Fund, contributions from local organizations demonstrate essential community commitment to the creation of affordable housing options for low to moderate income households.  DJM Contracting Ltd and Studio Nine Archtecture were integral  to the project’s success including preliminary planning and assistance with the proposal development, project development and construction.

Those on the tour were impressed by the attractive layout of the suites and common areas.  The building has been constructed to meet Step Code 4 energy efficiency requirements.  As a result, utility costs for tenants will be very affordable.  Overlooking the Columbia River, residents of the nine units have a comfortable and secure place to live and walkable access to community services, shopping and  amenities such as Gyro Park and Trail’s new All Wheel SK8 Park.

For more information about Columbia Park Housing and LCAHS housing in the Lower Columbia Region have a look at the Society’s new web site: https://www.lowercolumbiahousing.ca/

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