
Castlegar City Council highlights

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
August 19th, 2021

August 16, 2021 Meetings

  • Council adopted the Castlegar and District Economic Development Strategy. The vision of the strategy is:

    • ensuring Castlegar & District is an economic and services hub building new ways forward as a forestry innovator with global reach.
    • pursuing imaginative housing options, visible creativity, a vibrant downtown, regional collaboration, lighter environmental footprint, and technology adoption.
    • inspiring active outdoor adventure and our investment in lifestyle living will nurture a community rooted in deep social connection.
  • Council approved entering into Memorandums of Understanding with Kinnaird Church of God, Way Out Shelter, and New Life Church to provide Cooling Centre Services for Castlegar for the remainder of 2021 and 2022, To recognize these contributions to the community, the City will provide up to $2,000 to each organization to purchase Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
  • The Manager of Planning, Development and Sustainability presented the 2021 Castlegar Housing Strategy to Council. The Housing Strategy aims to address the unique housing needs of the community, including a full range of housing options from homeownership and market rental to social housing and below-market housing. The Strategy will be reviewed for final adoption at the September 20 Regular Meeting.
  • Council considered the following grant funding which will be reviewed for final adoption at the September 7 Regular Meeting:

    • $500 to Castlegar Girls on Boards for their 2021 End of Summer Skate Jam
    • $500 to Castlegar Skating Club for the 2021 West Kootenay Invitational tournament
    • $250 to Kootenay Robusters Dragon Boat Team for their breast cancer awareness calendar campaign
    • $250 to Castlegar & District Chamber of Commerce for the 2021 Business Awards
  • The Chief Administrative Officer updated Council on the City’s progress on the 2021 Strategic Priorities. 
  • Council received a report from the Manager of Corporate Services requesting authorization to dispose of the 2021 municipal records in accordance with Bylaw 620.
  • Council considered adjusting the stipends paid to the Castlegar Volunteer Fire Department Members and exempt staff compensation grid by 2% to reflect the Administrative Staff Compensation Policy, The motion will be considered for final adoption at the September 7 Regular Meeting.
  • Council gave Zoning Amendment Application R-4/21-General Amendment Emergency Housing First and Second Reading and referred it to a public hearing scheduled for September 7.
  • Council deferred Development Variance Permit Application DVP-3/21 (502 11th Avenue) to the September 7 meeting and asked the developer to attend the meeting as a delegation to further discuss varying the height of a proposed multi-residential building.
  • Council supported a cost-sharing and latecomer agreement with the owner of the land located at 111 11th Street for extended services that will benefit the City and other parcels of land. This will be considered for adoption at the September 7 meeting.
  • Due to an unsuccessful grant application for South Sewage Treatment Plant improvement works, Council asked staff to prepare a report on options available with related costing and budget implications.
  • Following a review of amendments to the fee schedule of the City of Castlegar Park Memorial Cemetery Amendment Bylaw 1360, Council proceeded with third reading to include revisions to prices, products and services.
  • Council appointed Mayor Duff as the City of Castlegar voting delegate and Councillor Rye as the alternate voting delegate for the Municipal Insurance Association of BC Annual General Meeting to be held during the UBCM virtual convention in September.
  • Council approved Development Permit 3/21, which supports the development of a six-unit multi-family development on a City-owned parcel located at 560 8th Street in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.
  • Council asked staff to write a letter to CP Rail requesting they remove debris and foliage for the CP Rail right of way throughout the City.
  • Council passed a resolution, in support of Moms Stop the Harm recognizing the opioid crisis as one of the largest public health emergencies of our lifetime, that will be sent to the MP.

July 19, 2021 Meetings

§  Council endorsed a grant application to the Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program for the Millennium Park & Ponds Interpretive Pathway for up to $615,000. If the application is successful, the City’s portion would be $184,500.

§  Council reviewed a cost comparison between contracting out the West Kootenay Regional Airport (WKRA) operations and maintenance services and bringing the operation and maintenance services in-house which concluded that the City’s overall interest at WKRA is better protected in terms of cost, control of work scope, quality assurance, regulatory compliance, efficiency, flexibility and the management of risk by contracting out operations and maintenance services.

§  Council approved entering into a contract with Dexterra Integrated Facilities Management for operation and maintenance services at the West Kootenay Regional Airport for a five-year period commencing November 1, 2021. The value of this contract is $3,363,849.22

§  Council approved extending the Castlegar Community Garden Lease Agreement with the Kootenay Food Strategy Society for an additional three-year period, ending August 8, 2024.

§  Council approved the 2020 Annual Report. The Report is available on the City’s website at castlegar.ca/annualreport and copies are available at City Hall.

§  Following Public Hearings, Council adopted:

o    Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw 1352 to update the language of the OCP to align with the Local Government Act and permit Temporary Use Permits in all land use designations.

o    Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1359 a Bylaw to change the zoning of 3705 Columbia Avenue from Public and Institutional Zone (P-1) to Single Residential (R-1) to enable a 21-lot subdivision to be considered by the Approving Officer.

Categories: Politics
