
Maximum allowable rent increase capped at 1.5% for 2022

Province of British Columbia
By Province of British Columbia
September 8th, 2021

B.C.’s maximum allowable rent increase amount for 2022 is being set at 1.5%, based on inflation.

This increase cannot take effect prior to Jan. 1, 2022. If landlords choose to increase rent, they must provide a full three months’ notice to tenants using the correct notice of rent increase form.

To support British Columbians, the Province enacted a rent freeze at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The freeze has since been extended to Dec. 31, 2021.

The 2022 maximum allowable rent increase is significantly less than what it would have been prior to changes made by the Province in 2018 that limited rent increases to inflation. Prior to that change, maximum rent increases could include an additional 2% on top of inflation. This change has saved families hundreds of dollars.

B.C. landlords can only increase rent once annually, if they choose to increase rent at all.

The Province also recently banned illegal renovictions (evictions to complete renovations to a property)  by requiring landlords to apply to the Residential Tenancy Branch for pre-approval before ending a tenancy.

Quick Facts:

  • If  a landlord served a tenant with a notice of rent increase that takes effect in 2021, it is null and void and the tenant does not have to pay it.
  • The maximum allowable rent increase is defined by the 12-month average per cent change in the all-items Consumer Price Index for B.C. ending in July the year prior to the calendar year for which a rent increase takes effect.

    • For example, if a rent increase takes effect in 2022, the maximum allowable rent increase is the 12-month average per cent change in the all-items Consumer Price Index for B.C. ending in July 2021. 
  • The 2022 maximum increase for manufactured home park tenancies will be 1.5%, plus a proportional amount for the change in local government levies and regulated utility fees.
  • The rent increase does not include commercial tenancies, non-profit housing tenancies where rent is geared to income, co-operative housing and some assisted-living facilities.

Learn More:

For more information about the annual allowable rent increase, visit:

For the latest information on protections from renovictions, visit:

Categories: General
