
City Seeking Feedback on Potential Redevelopment of Former Brandson Pool Property

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
January 26th, 2022

The City of Castlegar purchased two properties in support of recommendations outlined in the recently adopted Housing Strategy.

This includes the purchase of:

  • 2405 Columbia Avenue. A corner lot bordering underutilized, City-owned park space and Civic Works storage facility at the former Brandson Pool location. This property is in a Specific Growth Area in the City of Castlegar Official Community Plan where mixed-use development, multi-family dwellings, and commercial uses are encouraged.
  • 2201 Columbia Avenue. A single parcel corner lot that could be used as a central storage space for Civic Works operations or redeveloped for mixed-use commercial and residential housing units.

“Castlegar has a housing shortage in all types of housing, and we need greater diversity and better coordination and leadership for developing housing,” says Mayor Kirk Duff. “Council is committed to positioning our city for the growth and development that is needed, including making investments in strategic properties which can support our goals.”

The City received an offer to purchase 2405 Columbia Avenue and 2404 6th Avenue (formerly Brandson Pool) from Nexus Development Group and Sutherland Group Enterprises, which are looking to add new, high-quality housing, live/work and commercial space while redefining the neighbourhood park, play and green space.

The City is reaching out directly to residents near 2405 Columbia Avenue and 2404 6th Avenue before the formal land disposition and development approval process begins later in 2022. It wants to hear opportunities and concerns from the community to inform the City’s decision making on any future development at this location.

Find more information on the proposed development at castlegar.ca/development.

The City of Castlegar is a service centre in the West Kootenay. The diversified and growing economy is focused on the forestry, energy and mining sectors in the valley, and commercial services in the City. Quality of life features backcountry adventure and an increasingly dynamic urban culture, including the Millennium Park & Ponds and Sculpture Walk.

For more information, please contact:                 

Chris Barlow

Chief Administrative Officer                        



Categories: General
