
City of Rossland donates to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

City of Rossland
By City of Rossland
March 16th, 2022

At Monday night’s Regular Council Meeting, Mayor Moore spoke on the situation in Ukraine and brought forward a motion regarding the City donating $1 per 2021 Census figures (4,140) to the Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. This motion was endorsed by the majority of Council. City Council also encouraged residents of Rossland to follow suit with possible donations to the Red Cross that support’s Ukraine. For those interested, donations can be made at this secure link: https://donate.redcross.ca

The federal government is matching Canadians’ donations to the Red Cross in aid of Ukraine, up to a maximum of $30 million – and applies to all donations under $100,000 to the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal made between Feb. 24 and March 18.

The money raised will enable the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to respond to humanitarian needs by almost eight years of conflict, as well as preparedness and response efforts due to heightened tensions in Ukraine. The support could include preparedness, immediate and ongoing relief efforts, long-term recovery, resiliency, and other critical humanitarian activities as needs arise, both in Ukraine and surrounding countries, including supporting populations displaced. 

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