

Tears of joy dominate the Nelson stop of the 25th Anniversary Rick Hansen Relay

Smiles and hugs dominated the Nelson stop on the 25th Anniversary Rick Hansen Relay. That’s before the tears of joy running down the faces of runners and spectators took over Thursday afternoon on the course that took participants from the north side of the Nelson Bridge to the NDCC parking lot. “This is one man’s […]

LETTER: Not everyone thrilled about Rick Hansen's visit

Dear Rick Hansen: I hope that during your next 25 years of raising money for spinal cord research (SCR) we will see the end of inhumane, scientifically fallacious spinal cord experiments on animals. It was 25 years ago when Lifeforce, a Vancouver based ecology and animal rights organization, gave you extensive data about the failure […]

Council to pass tax bylaw with minimal increase

Despite a residential tax increase this year, Castlegar homeowners will likely be paying less property tax in 2012 than they did in 2010. In a report presented to city council at its regular meeting Monday night, city director of financial services Andre Buss told council that modest increases have been offset by an increase...

Councillor uses Facebook to gauge community response to fowl play

A Castlegar city councillor is using social media sites to try to gauge how much community support there is for allowing urban chicken husbandry within city limits. Kevin Chernoff, now serving his third term at the council table, says the majority of the people attending council on the issue are in support of the notion […]

Tainted cocaine being sold in area

Trail RCMP Sgt. Rob Hawton is warning area drug users to be hyper-vigilant about their drug supply, after two area people suffered heart attacks. “On April 18, Trail and Greater District RCMP received a report of two people, both under 30 years of age, admitted to hospital recently with heart attacks linked to the ingestion […]

SWEDEN: Controversy over 'racist cake' art piece...created by black artist

News website grioo.com reports that on April 15, 2012, Swedish Culture Minister, Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth, attended a exhibition preview at Museum of Modern Art of Stockholm to celebrate ‘World Art Day'. The highlight of the show seems to have been the tasting of the ‘Painful Cake' representing the body of an African woman, ...

VIDEO: William Housty addresses NEB on Heiltsuk culture, threat of oil spill

30 year-old William Housty's powerhouse presentation to the National Energy Board's Enbridge hearings in his community of Bella Bella. William describes the history, language and culture of his people in fascinating detail - and how the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline and Tar Sands supertankers transiting the waters of his...

Rick Hansen to attend juvenile sturgeon release

This year’s annual juvenile white sturgeon release, hosted by the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative (UCWSRI), promises to be extra-special. The free public event will be opened by long-time sturgeon advocate, celebrated athlete, and Canada’s “Man in Motion,” Rick Hansen. The event, at Hugh Keenleyside Dam (south-west side) near Castlegar on Monday April 23rd, […]

Missing couple located after three days, reunited with family

The Elk Valley RCMP Detachment have confirmed that missing travelers Jacob and Anja Oosterwijk of Fort Macleod, AB have been located. The couple departed Fort Mcleod on (Saturday) April 14th for a day trip believed to be to the Elk Valley region in B.C. The missing couple, driving a 1997 Dark Green Honda CRV with […]

OP/ED: Government money paying back for misdirected regulations

First you shut down an industry then you build it back up with subsidies. Sound like Pierre Trudeau? Think again. This is Conservative MP Dan Albas we’re talking about. Albas is taking the credit for a whopping $240,000 handout from the federal government to a community group who’re setting up a mobile abattoir in the Grand Forks area. […]