

Province changes hunting allocations

The Province has established a wildlife harvest allocation policy that creates greater consistency and transparency for B.C.’s guide outfitters and resident hunters, announced Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson.  Harvest allocations are the number of animals of a species that are allowed to be harvested by resident hunters and guided hunters […]

Turn it up!

For Syrians it’s an exhilarating experience simply to express honest political opinions out loud in a public place. For decades anti-regime gripes have been expressed in private, in whispers. Many were frightened to speak even in the home, lest the children repeat what they’d heard at school.But now people are screaming and...

Adorn your friends and family this holiday season

Don’t miss the Kootenay School of the Arts at Selkirk College Annual Christmas Exhibit and Sale at the KSA campus next weekend on Dec. 9th and 10th. It’s a chance to see the latest designs and purchase some genuinely unique Christmas gifts.Exclusive finely handcrafted jewelry by emerging artists, as well as original work from...

Canadian youth delegates crash global polluters conference at COP17

On the day that Canada’s Environment Minister arrives in Durban, members of the Canadian Youth Delegation dressed in their BituMensWear “negotiator uniforms” and joined with organizers from around the globe at a protest at World Business Day during COP17 in Durban. Organized by the World Business Council for Sustainable...

Selkirk student dies from fall off ski jump

Last week, in the early hours of November 25, a 20-year old male student from Selkirk College was using a temporary ski ramp that he and a friend had constructed for their own use.  The young male, while using the ramp, fell and struck his head. At the time of the fall the student was […]

OP/ED: B.C. needs to tighten belts or suffer the consequences

By: Jordan Bateman, Canadian Taxpayers Federation B.C. Finance Minister Kevin Falcon, like a cliché movie hero, is slowly sinking into fiscal quicksand. In his recently released quarterly fiscal report, he told British Columbians that economic growth has slowed, crown corporation revenues are down and the provincial deficit is exploding. The true culprit – runaway spending […]

My Rx for Occupy Vancouver success

I hope the REAL Occupy Vancouver movement does not fade away. For MOST of our sakes, it MUST not. Their message--that the rich must STOP getting richer at the expense of the rest of us--must not die, or be forgotten, or cease to be advocated. promoted and brought to success in our society. Readers of this blog will know how...

UPDATE: City officials dismantle Occupy Nelson camp; rally planned for Friday afternoon

Although their camp has been removed by City officials, Occupy Nelson protestors vow to continue to occupy the grounds in front of City Hall, albeit with less of a permanent presence.   With Nelson Police Department officers, bylaw officers and firefighters pitching in, a Nelson City council ordinance to vacate the grounds in front of […]

Get those boards and skis ready, Whitewater Ski Resort offers Sneak-a-Peek weekend

There’s a reason why ski hills are built in the mountains — because that’s where all the snow is located. While Nelsonites wake up to scrape windows of ice prior to heading to work of late, the folks at Whitewater Ski Resort are busy clearing snow, and lots of it, from the steps of the […]

Police arrest local man after several hundred pieces of mail go missing

 A 36-year-old Rossland man is facing 14 counts of theft of mail after several hundred pieces of mail went missing. Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Deb Postnikoff said police arrested the man, a sub-contracted janitor at the post office, on Nov. 28.  “Canada Post had noticed a recent trend of customer complaints of non receipt of mail […]