

Terry Fox Run gets better with age — and with better weather

It’s an event that doesn’t get old — the annual Terry Fox Run. And Sunday in the Heritage City, like so many other cities, towns and communities across Canada, the tradition continues as Nelsonites flock to Lakeside Park for the annual run to fight cancer. “I think the reason it’s lasted for so long is the impact Terry (Fox)...

Angels ascend to Derby heaven...by a whisker

Derby fans had plenty to be hoarse about as they staggered out of the Rossland Arena on Sept. 11 after narrowly winning what was arguably the fiercest and closest derby bout the West Kootenay Women’s Roller Derby League has ever seen.   Hometown Gnarlie’s Angels fans were out in force in rock star red and […]

ARAB WORLD: Remembering September 11 via Twitter

Twitter users from across the Arab world paid tribute to the 3,000 victims of September 11 as the world recalled the horrors committed by Al Qaeda terrorists who flew four passenger jets into buildings in the US 10 years ago.  Saudi cartoonist Malek Nejer says September 11 is a hideous crime, no matter who the perpetrators ...

Libya: The lie

When the U.S. invaded Iraq, riding a pack of lies and monstrous manipulation, the entire U.S. elite, including major news services, academics, and politicians from both “sides” of the spectrum, lined up to cheerlead and off they went to war. It was one of the most shameful chapters in the long history of shameful acts […]

ATAMANENKO: Vote subsidy hypocrisy

Stephen Harper is planning to do away with the per-vote subsidy to political parties. Brought in under the Chretien Liberals, this is the subsidy that, along with putting stricter limits on union and corporate donations, was meant to reduce political influence over Canadian elections.  Under current laws it is no longer...

Federation of Canadian Municipalities tour Brilliant Dam expansion

Columbia Power Corporation (Columbia Power) welcomed members of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) today at the Brilliant Dam and Expansion. The representatives traveled from Nelson to view the many hydro facility developments along the Kootenay River and learn what’s ‘brilliant’ about Columbia Power’s facilities.  This week, over 100 municipal leaders met at the Columbia […]

Social well being supported in the Columbia Basin to a tune of $3 million

Communities throughout the Columbia Basin will benefit from a new granting program from Columbia Basin Trust (CBT). Called the Social Grants Program, the three-year pilot program will have a budget of $1 million per year for projects that address social needs in the Basin. “Supporting social well-being has always been an important part of our […]

Even with regular exercise, people can be at risk for chronic disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of Americans have inactive lifestyles (they take fewer than 5,000 steps a day) and 75 percent do not meet the weekly exercise recommendations (150 minutes of moderate activity each week and muscle-strengthening activity twice a week) to maintain good health. After reviewing recent literature, […]

Magical mounds of metal melt mechanical maniacs on main

Thousands of people, hundreds of classic cars, trucks and motorcycles and nostalgia so thick you had to brush it away from your face like a cloud of flies. Such was the scene set Saturday afternoon on Baker Street and its abiding roadways for the annual Queen City Cruise, the smorgasbord of vehicular delight the Nelson Road […]

Survey finds many Canadians now faced with the prospect of working longer before retirement

For many people, the ‘golden years’ are now a more distant dream. They are struggling to save for retirement and to make ends meet. According to the third annual survey of employees conducted by the Canadian Payroll Association (CPA), 40 per cent of Canadians said they’ll likely have to retire later than they previously planned. […]