

LETTER: Council's chicken decision coming home to roost

Ed Note: See bottom of letter for information about Facebook group supporting urban chickens in Castlegar. I'm baffled by the arguments Castlegar City Council is using to prohibit backyard chickens in small numbers. If the concerns really relate to noise, excrement, and attraction of pests - then why do we allow citizens to...

LETTER: Cuts at Castlegar Primary don't just hurt programs - they hurt kids

What has 34 legs, speaks Russian but has no teacher?  The soon-to-be Grade 3 Russian Bilingual (RB) class.   Unfortunately, it is the intention of school administration to split this class between two schools: 13 children will remain at Castlegar Primary in a split Grade 2-3 RB class, while four children will be sent to a...

UN advisor returns to Kootenays from Rio with new hope for local solutions … and little faith in global ones

United Nations trade and climate change advisor Aaron Cosbey—a Rossland resident—attended the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and he was back again last week for the glitz, fanfare, and "complete failure" of the Rio +20 anniversary conference."It was a very predictable thing," Cosbey said, listing many reasons...

State of emergency rescinded after Broadwater slide; but remain in place for five RDCK areas

The States of Local Emergency declared Saturday due to a mudslide near Robson has been rescinded, but remain in place in five RDCK areas, according to the RDCK’s Emergency Operations Centre. “The State of Local Emergency declared June 23, concerning the landslide which closed Broadwater Road north of Robson has been rescinded,” said public information […]

OPINION: Time to move on in the marijuana conversation

In early April of this year one of the most brilliant marketing campaigns ever designed was launched. With a splash of media exposure, a small group of eight people started a conversation that has not stopped nearly three months later. As the chatter moves contagiously through more and more people, the volume has been amplified...

Beyond Harper: Rebuilding community

Of all the appalling abuses of democracy and ruthless dismantling of the country represented by Bill C-38 one stands out of as representative of the right wing dystopia that Stephen Harper has in store for the 99 per cent. And that is the mentality and ideology behind the draconian changes to EI. This is particularly true of...

Marshall Lake dam faces 11th hour decisions

Local governments and the public have until the end of this month to come up with a plan to preserve Marshall Lake. That’s all the time the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) will allow for a decision to be made on whether or not the city, regional district or the public are willing and able...

Is YOUR great idea worth $10,000?

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is partnering with BC Ideas to provide five $10,000 cash awards to reward innovative solutions addressing issues which will improve the lives of residents in the Columbia Basin region. BC Ideas: Solutions for Stronger Communities is an online competition seeking to identify solutions to deal with challenges facing BC communities now […]

Trail tally not yet taken in terms of WestJet

Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff said letters are coming in fast and furious from across the region in support of the West Kootenay Regional Airport’s bid to entice WestJet to Castlegar … with some glaring omissions. “We’ve received letters from most communities – not all, but most – and we’re getting them from residents, businesses, everyone. […]

Councillors cry 'fowl' as poultry process found lacking

Contention between Castlegar city councillors that was once about poultry is now about process, after a motion was passed Monday night to end the debate about allowing chicken husbandry within city limits ... and ruffling more than a few feathers along the way. The divide, in this case, runs along gender lines, with councillors...