

MP introduces Private Members Bill to create Dept. of Peace

Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior), was joined at a press conference today by fellow peace advocates, along with Elizabeth May of the Green Party and Liberal Jim Karygiannis to herald the introduction later in the day of his Private Members Bill to create a federal Department of Peace. May and Karygiannis are co-seconding the […]

B.C. deficit projections up $313 million

B.C.’s deficit is now projected to rise by $313 million to $3.1 billion by the end of the fiscal year because of lower revenues, Finance Minister Kevin Falcon announced in Victoria on Monday. “While British Columbia is still expected to continue to outperform most other North American economies, we expect revenues to decline and we […]

Taking Chances brings Rebels/City a happy ending

A letter expressing upset to city council penned by the president of the Castlegar Rebels, Jim Craig, has proved to be the catalyst for a good news story, in which everyone walked away happy.  Craig said in a letter included in Monday night’s council meeting that the Rebels rely on their community bingo nights for […]

Final council meeting ends with tears and cake

Monday night saw an unusually emotional city council meeting, as the five re-elected incumbents said their good-byes to councillor Kirk Duff. Duff was the only incumbent seeking re-election who lost his seat, and this by a mere 41 votes.  The loss means an end to, or at least a pause in, a 20-year career in […]

Wake up and listen to Occupiers

The amazingly resilient Occupy phenomenon is running up against the same ugly reality that so many social movements have encountered over the past 20 years: There is a world of difference between influence and power.  Governments and the corporations they serve have power — that is, the power of money (and the law) to make ...

NDP’s BC caucus pushes for government action on IRS

Members of the federal NDP B.C. Caucus are calling for stronger action by the federal government to protect Canadian citizens affected by a series of measures undertaken by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). According to US law, anyone who was born in the US is required to file US tax returns even though […]

OP/ED: MP decries Canadian contracting of 'Blackwater' mercenaries

We often hear stories in the press about mercenary armies in which soldiers-for-hire do the dirty work of various governments around the world. One such group is Xe Services,which was originally foundedby former US Special Forces SEAL Erik Prince, under the name of Blackwater. This private mercenary company was first contracted by the American government in […]

MP warns of Passport Canada changes

Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko is warning residents that passport requirements for children are changing – and they’re changing soon. “As of Dec. 1, Passport Canada will be requiring that applications for children under 16 years of age be accompanied by further proof of parentage documentation,” said  Atamanenko.   “I want to remind constituents of […]

Canadian youth delegation releases policy requests delivered to Canadian government

As youth from across Canada prepare to depart for Durban, South Africa to participate in the next round of United Nations Climate Negotiations they have released a list of five policy changes submitted to the Canadian Delegation.  "These requests represent five things that Canada could do immediately to stop being part of the...

COMMENT: Making the case for electoral finance reform

Catching a politician with their hand in the cookie jar is far more juicy than actually building a better cookie jar, so it's little surprise that proposing changes to BC's electoral finance laws is hardly seen as sexy. But if voters truly want accountability and transparency restored to BC politics, it starts with prying the...