

Getting to know Bryan Hunt: Environmentalist, conservative business man, artist and Green Party candidate

 A recurring mantra of childhood fatherly advice, a deep rooted love for the region and the desire to do what’s right: Bryan Hunt’s formula for getting elected as the Green Party MP in the BC Southern Interior riding is also a formula he hopes will allow him and folks like him to spend more time […]

Harper majority would be a dictatorship

Ask anyone who has lived under a dictatorship and they will tell you of its ugly features: A Supreme Leader who rules with an iron fist; legislation pushed through by a rubber stamp legislative assembly with little or closured debate; government officials ordered into silence or fearful of speaking up; and a press denied the right to even […]

H.O. Blasts Lack of BC Rail Answers

There are lots of questions remaining about the BC Rail scandal…. the biggest being ‘why did the Liberal government pick up the $6M defence lawyers’ tab for two convicted criminals?’.   This week I had a chance to keep that question–and story-alive, by appearing on broadcaster Stirling Faux on-line business show This Week in Money.  Here’s […]

Harper off to a shaky start

 The election campaign is less than week old and Stephen Harper seems to be demonstrating that he is even more of a mad hatter than people thought. Despite his superman view of himself – the smartest man in the universe not just in the room – he has looked very shaky and is proving that […]

VIDEO: Atamanenko addresses public forum on CETA

On February 11, the Nelson Chapter of the Council of Canadians held a public forum on CETA, the latest trade agreement that the Canadian Government is negotiating with the European Union at Nelson United Church. Guest speakers were Peter Julian, the NDP International Trade Critic along with Alex Atamanenko, our local MP. A three part […]

Source slammed for city coverage

In a shocking turn of events, Castlegar city councillor and Green Committee chair Kevin Chernoff has taken exception to The Source’s headline indicating Castlegar will “relinquish” the Earth Hour Cup it has proudly displayed for two years now.   “Who says we’re going to relinquish it?” Chernoff said. “The Cup was designed for...

Getting to know Shannon Lavell: Friend, mother and Liberal party candidate

Bringing more of a female and motherly presence to Parliament Hill and making new friends along the way is the mission new Liberal Candidate Shannon Lavell has set for herself. If all goes according to plan, this determined and passionate individual, mother, aspiring politician and nurse hopes to take her experience caring for others and […]

Real change? Madam Premier, the paramedics are waiting

Apppointed (not elected) Premier Christy Clark promised “change”. And as part of her honeymoon period in the public eye, the media has treaded rather softly in scrutinizing her early days in office. She announced a raise in the minimum wage to be staged over time, but nevertheless welcomed by most British Columbians. Many were embarrassed by this […]

Conservative government goes down; Election set for May 2

Forget spring cleaning and the Stanley Cup playoffs, Canadians are going to the polls May 2. Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited Rideau Hall early Saturday to ask Gov. Gen. David Johnston to dissolve Parliament. A non-confidence motion supported by the opposition in the House of Commons Friday defeated the federal Conservative government. The campaign for Canada’s […]

I'm voting for 'none of the above'

So what do we do now? We’re about to have an election almost no one wants; that likely won’t change the political balance of power; and, despite the rhetoric, probably won’t actually result in substantial policy changes.  And for this non-altering experience taxpayers will shell out $300 million! Sigh… I am not a dedicated partisan. Over my life, I have voted for all […]