

TECH TALK: Finally, an anti-virus offering Mac users will want to check out

 Well, it's happened. I am now recommending anti-virus for Macs. Is there some new development? Are they more vulnerable now for some reason? No, the threat hasn't changed, just the response options.   Macs run very differently from Windows. The only way to get a virus is to deliberately install it. If you check out this blog...

TECK TALK: Recognizing a good techie

 Last week I talked about taking your virus-infested computer to a good technician. The trouble with that advice is finding a good technician isn't always easy, especially if you're not comfortable with computers. It's one of many cruel ironies the universe has to offer: the people who have the greatest need for a good...

TECH TALK: You think you've got a virus, so now what?

 So you've looked at some of the warning signs I talked about last week and now you're pretty sure you have a virus. Now what? The most important message I want to get across is that you have to DO SOMETHING. I frequently get told, "I don't have any data to protect, so I'm not worried."   This is a terrible misconception for...

TECH TALK: It's flu season ... is your computer infected?

  The computer version of the flu is called 'malware'. Malware is a global term for computer viruses, trojans, spyware, keyloggers and other bad software. There are so many different categories, and so many specific examples that don't comfortably fit within just one category, that it's easier just to call all of them "malware"....

TECH TALK: Cheap, quick or good - you can have any two

 I heard a saying recently that really struck a chord for me: "Quick, Cheap or Good...You can have any two." I regularly deal with folks who want all three. "My computer just died. I need a good quality replacement right away, and please keep the price under $500." Cheap and Quick - You can find sub-$500 computers, but they're...
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