
City of Trail declares moratorium on birthday/celebration parades

City of Trail
By City of Trail
April 3rd, 2020

All Birthday and Milestone Vehicle Parades Must be Cancelled, No Social Gatherings
From City of Trail Mayor, Lisa Pasin

Many people have been celebrating birthdays and other milestones during the pandemic with organized neighbourhood vehicle parades.# We understand this gesture is well-intended and is meant to bring joy to people of all ages during this very difficult stage. However, at this time, we must follow the direction of the provincial and federal governments and avoid all social gatherings, including vehicle parades. We are at a very crucial period during the pandemic where residents must stay home unless they are going into work, or going out for essential supplies.

We truly understand the initiatives behind the parades are to build positive community spirit and to create something special for those who are celebrating milestones. We also acknowledge the cancellation of the parades will create some disappointment; however, we must remain strong and diligent with our COVID-19 preventative measures. So please, stay home unless you must go into work or go out for essentials. Please continue to keep 6m between you and others at all times, especially at the shops, and continue good hygiene by washing your hands frequently and avoid touching your face.

Lastly, it is very important for people to remain connected – with that, all citizens should be encouraged to connect virtually and by phone and to celebrate special occasions for family members with those who live in your households only.
Let’s work together, Trail. We’ve got this!

#TrailBC #StayHomeSaveLives #StoptheSpread #StayStrongTrail

Categories: General
