
Grants will support local organizations in delivering vital programs for people in the West Kootenays says MLA Conroy

Katrine Conroy
By Katrine Conroy
July 7th, 2023

Local organizations will continue to deliver programs that improve people’s quality of life thanks to nearly $61 million in Community Gaming Grants for human and social services, says New Democrat MLA Katrine Conroy.

“Organizations providing services like childcare and social supports are crucial to our community,” said Katrine Conroy, MLA for Kootenay West. “The grants these organizations are receiving will ensure people continue to have the resources and care they need where they need it.”

Thirteen organizations in the region are receiving $342,400 in funding for human and social services, such as meeting the needs of under-served groups, providing public outreach and education, and more, including:

  • Royal Canadian Legion Slocan Valley Branch #276 – $ 19,500
  • W.E. Graham Community Service Society – $ 96,400
  • Castlegar & District Community Services – $ 67,000
  • Blueberry Creek Community School Council – $ 36,300


The $61 million in funding this year for human and social services grants comes out of the $140 million distributed annually to not-for-profit organizations that deliver other essential services and make life better for people in British Columbia.

Learn more: https://news.gov.bc.ca/29152

Categories: Politics
