
Celgar not looking to change tax jurisdictions

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
August 5th, 2009

Celgar manager Al Hitzroth said Wednesday that he couldn’t speak to an RDCK director’s suggestion that the mill lobby to change tax jurisdictions (from the City of Castlegar to the Regional District of Central Kootenay), as he wasn’t even sure such a move was legally possible.

“It isn’t an issue that we ever raised, or something that we had considered,” he said. “We’re just looking to get our taxes reduced.”

Further, he said an initial meeting with the city was positive, and he hopes to see another such meeting slated as early as this Monday.

“(The meeting) was more of a chance to get together and find out where both sides were at – and we did,” he said.

“Court proceedings limit us and hunder us somewhat (in terms of what we can say and do), but it doesn’t stop us from getting together and talking.”

No court date has yet been set for the Castlegar/Celgar proceedings, but a similar case involving Catalyst Paper and North Cowichan will see a hearing in the B.C. Supreme Court on Aug. 7.

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