
Lobbying to begin for Highway 3 improvements

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
August 5th, 2009

On July 30, the Highway 3 Mayors’ and Regional District Chairs’ Coalition met at the Prestige Mountain Resort in Rossland, B.C., to discuss issues of common interest with respect to the Highway 3 corridor from Hope through to the B.C./Alberta border.

In attendance was Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff, who said the meeting was an important step in drawing attention to this critical transportation corridor.

“The mayors are in agreement that this needs attention and we agree on where that attention should be focussed to start – we plan to take this to the premier, probably during the convention of the Union of B.C. Municipalities this September, if not sooner.

“This corridor is important to everybody on this route – it effects everybody, from the West Coast to Calgary, because it’s a major route for trade and transportation,” he said.

The Sunday Summit on the Hope Princeton Highway was unanimously identified as the number-one priority for improvement. Other top priorities included passing lanes between Cranbrook and the Alberta border, an alternative route through the downtown core of Creston, the Elko chicane, requisitioning a socio-economic study and partnering with mayors along the Highway 3 corridor in Alberta.

The group will be coordinating efforts to have these and many other issues brought to the forefront of the Ministry of Transportation and the provincial government.

Categories: General
