
Community in need

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
August 12th, 2009

Photo: Community Harvest Food Bank co-ordinator Deb McIntosh.

It’s almost that time of year again, and the Community Harvest Food Bank is sending out a plea for donations of school supplies to help ensure local kids can make the most of their educational opportunities.

Food bank co-ordinator Deb McInotsh said that, despite Bank of Canada assurances the recession is over, she expects to to see more families caught short this year – which means a greater need for locals to step up and lend a hand.

“Demand is certainly up at the food bank, so we can only assume that the need for extra assistance with school supplies will be there as well,” McIntosh said.

“What we’re finding is that people who have never needed to use the food bank before are just discovering these services exist, so we have a whole raft of new clients.”

She said she’d be thrilled to accept any sort of supplies, from Kindergarten trhough to Grade 12, as well as gift cards, cash – whatever’s most convenient for the donour.

“What you yourself would buy your children – that’s what we need,” she said.

Donations can be dropped off at the Station Museum or, for more information, call McIntosh at 250-365-6440.

Categories: General


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