
Daring dog dozing at home after dumpster dive

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
August 26th, 2009

The year-old St. Bernard, Bruno, who caused so much strife for Castlegar RCMP by trapping himself in a dumpster on garbage day is home and happy, according to his human, Cayle Grandy.

Grandy said Bruno has a fenced back yard where there are places he can sneak out if he’s feeling particularly ambitious – but with a dog this size, it couldn’t have been easy.

“I guess you’ve got to give him points for persistence,” Grandy said, adding police estimates of Bruno’s weight are a bit low. “He’s actually almost 200 pounds – he’s a big boy, by anybody’s standards.”

He said it was shocking to get the call from the vet Monday morning saying Bruno had spent some time out on the town.

“The vet knew him – he had just had surgery on his paw,” he said.

Grandy went straight to the vet to claim his very large, very smelly dog, whom he took to the river for an extended bath.

“Bruno loves the water, so it helped clean him up,” he said, adding any residual illness from Bruno’s dumpster buffet seems to have subsided. “I guess whatever it was, he got it out of his system right away.”

Grandy said he’s grateful to police for offering Bruno a helping hand when he needed it.
“I really don’t know how they got him out,” he said. “He had issues with strangers before – I don’t know if they’ve got a dog whisperer on the force …”

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