
Community services centre to suffer cuts?

By Contributor
September 9th, 2009

As Castlegar and District Community Services Society’s annual general meeting date of Sep. 23 approaches, Castlegar may be facing cuts to some of the valued government funded services the society provides.

“The future of some of our services to children, families and individuals who are facing their own tough times is uncertain,” said board chair Roberta Hamilton. “There are indications that part of the provincial government’s strategy for dealing with declining revenues will be to reduce funding to community social services.”

Nearly 80 per cent of the resources the society raises to aid those in need come from governments or government agencies. The remainder comes from non-government grants and community donations.

The beneficiaries of CDCSS programs include children who have witnessed abuse, families who need parenting support, seniors who want help with income tax or pension forms, and victims of crime who need support and guidance.

There is good news, too. The agencies roster of groups for the fall is substantially expanded. CDCSS will soon be delivering the Dr. Debt program, with funding from the Law Foundation of B.C., Columbia Basin Trust, Kootenay Savings Credit Union and Nelson District Credit Union, to educate people about debt, and advise those who have too much of it.

Full reports on all programs and other activities will be presented at the AGM. Board and staff members will be there to provide explanations and answer questions, and members of the public are invited to come and meet them, and even to join the society.

The membership fee is only five dollars, and a membership bought before the end of this year will be valid until Dec. 31, 2010. Members are important to the society. In addition to being a potential source of directors and officers, and other volunteers, the more members the society has, the stronger its influence in dealing with governments or making grant applications.

The AGM will convene at 7 p.m. on Sept. 23, in the society’s offices at 1007-2nd Street. Come a little early to meet and greet, and have a little nibble.

For more information, please drop in to the office at any time during business hours, or call 250-365-2104.

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