
Police caution parents about back-to-school road safety

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
September 9th, 2009

Police are reminding not just motorists, but also parents, to be wary of back-to-school traffic after a young cyclist was involved in a collision with a car at the intersection of 6 Street and 9 Avenue on Sept. 3.

Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Deb Postnikoff told The Source the cyclist failed to stop at a stop sign and collided with the car, adding this is a prime example of why it’s critical for parents to ensure their kids know the rules of the road before they hop on their bikes.

“The 13-year-old male sustained only minor injuries, and no charges will be laid in connection with the incident,” she explained, adding the outcome could’ve been much worse. “It’s a good thing he was wearing a helmet – it probably saved his life.

“Parents need to educate their children on bicycle safety and the rules of the road … for everyone’s sake,” she said. “For example, children should be taught not to wear headsets or earphones of any kind.”

Listening to your Ipod may be fun, she said, but the earphones leave you unable to hear horns, sirens and other important traffic signals.

And there are some hefty fines for unsafe bicycle piloting – riding while attached to a vehicle, for example, promises a $109 ticket, as does carrying passengers on a bicycle.

Riding on a sidewalk, speeding, careless cycling and riding without a helmet are also all ticket-worthy offences.

Finally Postnikoff asked motorists to be alert and cautious as kids once again begin the daily trek to and from school, adding police will be keeping a sharp watch out on school and playground zones.

“We’ll be out in full force,” she said.

Categories: General
