
Fair focus on sustainability in Castlegar

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
October 22nd, 2009

More than a few Castlegar residents find dire environmental predictions scary – so the city is offering its own twist on Hallowe’en, hosting a Sustainability Fair at the Complex to help ease fears and assist the environment as we head into autumn.

On Oct. 31 the City of Castlegar, along with community partners like Fortis B.C., Columbia Power and the Columbia Basin Trust, will host the second annual Sustainability Fair to further CRIMP (Castlegar Reduces its Mark Program). Coming right on the heels of B.C. Waste Reduction Week, the fair is designed to, “build awareness in our community about sustainability, conservation and good stewardship,” according to city councillor and green committee member Kevin Chernoff.

He said a private company called Waste Management will manage a bin out front of the Complex to accept e-waste – computers, monitors, stereos – “pretty much anything with a digital display,” he explained. “E-waste can be particularly hazardous in a landfill, and there’s tons of stuff than can be recycled from it.”

He also said lightbulbs will take a spotlight again this year, but this time Fortis will be flicking the switch for more sustainable illumination in the city.

“If you bring in your Fortis bill, they’ll give you up to six free fluorescent bulbs,” he said, adding Castlegar will be one of the only communities getting double-encapsulated bulbs to address concerns that arose during last year’s bulb give-away.

The city also bought 100 composters to sell at a dramatically-reduced cost for residents. Composters will be available for pick up during the fair (please pre-purchase at city hall at 250-365-7227, or the public works department at 250-365-5979) for just $25 each plus tax.
“What better way to start reducing your footprint than to throw your Hallowe’en pumpkin in your new composter?” Chernoff said.

The United Way will be simultaneously hosting their annual Hallowe’en for Kids event at the Complex that day, and a hockey tournament will be heating up the arena, so there will be lots to do for residents who drop by.

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