
MP speaks out on climate change

By Contributor
October 22nd, 2009

Ed Note: the following is a press release issue by Alex Atamanenko (pictured left).

Today, BC Southern Interior NDP MP Alex Atamanenko slammed Liberal and Conservative MPs for passing a motion that will further delay Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act, from passing in the House of Commons.

“A similar NDP bill was passed in Parliament in 2008, but Mr. Harper killed the Bill before it could pass in the Senate by calling an unneeded federal election,” said Atamanenko.

“Now with less than 60 days to go until the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen in December, the Liberals joined Mr. Harper and passed a motion that further stalls any action by Canada on this fundamental serious issue of our time.”

The motion refers the Bill back to a parliamentary committee, sentencing it to at least another 30 sitting days before it comes back to the House of Commons, too late to make a difference at the Copenhagen Conference.

“I am very disappointed with the vote results. I cannot understand why the Liberals voted with the Conservatives.”

Bill C-311 commits Canada to science- based greenhouse gas reduction targets and holds the government publically accountable for concrete action.

“The Conservatives and Liberals continue to ignore the pleas of thousands of Canadians to expedite some concrete, measurable action to address the serious impacts of climate change on ourselves, our children and our children’s children,” he said.

“Polls clearly show that Canadians want a federal commitment to science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets,” added Atamanenko. “Among developed nations, Canada will now stand alone in Copenhagen by blocking global progress. The lack of concern by our two major political parties about the issue of climate change must become an election issue.”



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